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God Is Love.

God Is Love.

Ways In


9:30 AM Sundays

Corner of Tyringham & Main

Book Club

5:30 PM Mondays on Zoom

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Lectionary study

On hiatus once again

More info to come!

Sermon Archive

The Building is For Sale
The Church Endures

The congregation, with its 11 members, decided to put our building on the market, though we will remain a gathered congregation of Jesus' church and a member congregation of the United Church of Christ, continuing to hold Sunday worship in the sanctuary where all are welcome, until such time when we no longer can.

If or when that happens, we'll find another place to meet, for wherever two or more are gathered in Jesus' name, there is Christ to bring good news to the world so beloved of God.


A worshipping community rejoicing in the love of Christ, gathered to enact the reign of God among us, commissioned to serve for the sake of the gospel in the world: it's not what you think, it's what you imagine, dwell amidst, and manifest in the living of your days. Come and see.


Monterey United Church of Christ

449 Main Road; PO Box 182

Monterey, Massachusetts 01245



Email the office.


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© 2020 MONTEREY Church of Christ. 

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